Ray Winstone

Clueless Movie Reviews: “Noah”

Along with the epic scope and apocalyptic imagery you might expect from a cinematic telling of the biblical story of Noah, director Darren Aronofsky brings tremendous humanity and depth of emotion to his interpretation of the story. It’s that commitment to depicting human feeling in the film that proves to be the most compelling aspect of Aronofsky’s work here, as brought to life by a dream cast of performers led by Russell Crowe, who delivers his most engrossing performance in years.

Review: “Snow White And The Huntsman”

As ambitious as the film and the filmmakers clearly were and as thoughtful and powerful as some of the actors’ performances are, “Snow White and the Huntsman” ultimately fails at reaching greatness because the script is inconsistent, and it leaves you thinking perhaps that the title of the film should have been “The Evil Queen and the Huntsman”, since those two characters are far more fleshed out and interesting than Snow White herself.